Sunday, June 12, 2011

What’s It Like, On the Hill?

Fascinating, intriguing, and like being on a ship. This summer I am blessed with the opportunity to work in a congressional office on Capitol Hill. Every morning Monday through Friday I wake up, get dressed, head towards the metro and take the Capital South exit. This is the place that as I step off the platform and take in a deep breath, I realize the air is filled with a political aroma and a desire to progress. Each of us interns are like fish in the pond longing to know what it’s like in the deep blue sea. I love it because it’s a fulfilling adventure. Sometimes I coast along the current, other times fight against it to stay on path, but never ever do I plan to abandon ship.

Currently my position could seem like a cabin boy, or girl in my case. I tend after the passengers and crew in their needs and desires. It is interesting because despite whatever task that is given to me it is a learning process. It’s a learning process to deal with situations I’ve never been in, adapt to completely different environment, and different types of people. What are most appealing are the people. Being in my position I have the opportunity to observe numerous details. Observation is what leads to more knowledge and thus more capabilities. Though my current role may be cabin girl, I have expectations to lead the ship in a way that positively influences all members of the crew. How can I do that though without understanding as many of their positions as possible? That is what Capitol Hill is doing for me; it is beginning to train me on all the aspects that politics has to offer. It is a cuddy to dwell in, however, with the burning desire I have inside of me I will make it an open place to as many as I can after me. Capitol Hill is my ship, my arena, and I will explore every possibility that is in my way.

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